S.O.A.R.S. possesses extensive experience investigating claims alleging General Liability, Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Property Negligence, Auto Liability, Civil Rights, Law Enforcement claims, Personnel Matters, Medical Malpractice, Worker's Compensation and a variety of other issues.   Since beginning operation in 1987, S.O.A.R.S. has investigated more than five thousand claims. 

The vast majority of S.O.A.R.S. work has involved claims brought against State, County, Municipal and Tribal agencies and their representatives.  The experience S.O.A.R.S. has gained working this volume and variety of cases, has provided S.O.A.R.S. an insight into what is needed, where to find it and how to develop and preserver information, to address managerial concerns and appropriately respond to complaints and civil litigation.

Two-thousand-three-hundred-thirty-one (2,331) claims claims were worked on behalf of New Mexico Risk Management, involving claims against State, County and Municipal agencies. Two-thousand-one-hundred-fourteen (2,114) claims, were worked on behalf of Albuquerque Risk-Management and the Albuquerque City Attorney's Office, ninety-three (93) claims were worked for the New Mexico Self-Insurers Fund, on behalf of the Association of Counties and the Municipal League, twenty-two (2) claims were worked for Bernalillo County, ten (10) claims were worked on behalf of the Albuquerque Aviation Police , fifty-three (53) cases were worked for various Native-American Tribal Agencies and, the remaining three-hundred-eighty-five (385) assignments were accepted from private attorneys, insurance companies, adjusting firms, businesses and private citizens.

More detailed information concerning the types of cases S.O.A.R.S. has investigated and the agencies with whom S.O.A.R.S. has worked, is available under the "CASES" and "AGENCIES" links.