S.O.A.R.S. provides issue specific and comprehensive assessments of government programs and private enterprises, in response to employee complaints, shareholder concerns, customer grievances and pending or anticipated litigation, using an "Audit, Analysis and Assessment" approach, which focus on the strengths and/or weaknesses of the agency or enterprise relative to:

  • Mission and Vision Statements,
  • Strategic Planning (Goals \ Objectives \ Results and Measurements)
  • Leadership and Management,
  • Organizational Design, Culture and Climate,
  • Staff Recruitment and Management,
  • Customer Service,
  • Recruitment, Development and Retention of Human Resources,
  • Budget Development and Administration,
  • Cash and Resource Management,
  • Accounting Practices,
  • Development and Maintenance of Partnerships with Funding Agencies,
  • Contracting and Procurement Practices,
  • Coordination with Oversight Agencies, and,
  • Existence and Adequacy of the Internal Control Environment.
  • Staff Safety, Premises Security and Property Protection

 Areas of focus include:

  • Laws,
  • Rules and Regulations,
  • Policies and Procedures,
  • Industry Standards,
  • Generally Accepted Principles and Practices, and,
  • Established Industry Trends and Patterns.

While fundamental management philosophies and operational procedures are somewhat universal, each agency or organization is unique, as is the environment in which it operates and the clientele it serves.   Consequently, the goal is identify and develop appropriate responses to encountered difficulties, tailored to management’s desires, employee’s expectations and client needs, in a manner which improves agency productivity and client satisfaction, with resources at the agency’s disposal.   To accomplish this, S.O.A.R.S. uses a tiered approach, "Audit", "Analysis" and "Assessment".

During the Audit Phase, S.O.A.R.S. meets first with the agency’s or organization’s management and examines the “problem” from their perspective and identifies their goals.   Next, S.O.A.R.S. meets with the agency staff and obtains their perspective of the administration’s concerns and issues which are important to the staff, which may have not been considered by management. Thereafter, S.O.A.R.S. reviews client complaints, internal and external disruptions of services, regulatory agency deficiency notices and licensure actions.

In the Analysis Phase, S.O.A.R.S. examines the developed information from an impartial perspective, identifying viable practices while taking into consideration, internal and external stressors, which are causing or contributing to identified problems.   Once a comprehensive understanding to the situation has been obtained, S.O.A.R.S.collaborates with the Client in the Assessment Phase, and to a limited degree with the staff, to develop a reasonable response which will resolve the problems and achieve the desired goals, while remaining within the agency’s capabilities and available resources.

In S.O.A.R.S.’ experience, the collaboration and cooperation of management and staff is required for an agency or organization to meet its intended and desire goals.   S.O.A.R.S.’ Audit, Analysis and Assessment process presents the Client a vehicle to critically view and evaluate identified concerns and to consider proposed alternatives.